T32 PNA Meeting: Introduction


Introduction - PNA at Pitt presented by Drs. Rosano, Rosso and Shaaban Meeting details and Zoom link information →

T32 PNA Meeting: Speed Dating


"Speed Dating" with all trainees Each trainee gives an elevator pitch of their research project, then each person identifies >1 match for their existing project, or for a new project. To facilitate this conversation, we will use an interactive organizational chart illustrating where each trainee’s work falls in the context of the ADRD line of inquiry […]

T32 PNA Meeting: Journal Club


PNA Journal Club presented by trainees and Shruthi Venkatesh This multi-disciplinary journal club draws on expertise in Epidemiology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Rehabilitation Sciences, Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience. The goal is to discuss recent advances in neuroimaging as they apply to aging & population research. The journal clubs generate lively discussions on applications of novel neuroimaging methods […]

T32 PNA Meeting: Brain Storming


Brain Storming with trainees and Thomas Kraynak Meeting details and Zoom link information →

T32 PNA Meeting: Shark Tank


Shark Tank presented by trainees At the start of each “tank”, trainees are given the tables and figures of a published paper, but are blind to its full content. They are required to provide a “on the fly” interpretation of the main findings; the audience has the full paper and is tasked with asking clarifying […]

T32 PNA Meeting: Journal Club


PNA Journal Club presented by trainees and Jermon Drake This multi-disciplinary journal club draws on expertise in Epidemiology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Rehabilitation Sciences, Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience. The goal is to discuss recent advances in neuroimaging as they apply to aging & population research. The journal clubs generate lively discussions on applications of novel neuroimaging methods in […]

T32 PNA Meeting: Brain Storming


Brain Storming with trainees and Kailyn Witonsky Meeting details and Zoom link information →

T32 PNA Meeting: Shark Tank


Shark Tank with trainees  At the start of each “tank”, trainees are given the tables and figures of a published paper, but are blind to its full content. They are required to provide a “on the fly” interpretation of the main findings; the audience has the full paper and is tasked with asking clarifying questions […]